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Open positions

CNC operater

V kolektiv vabimo ljudi, ki imajo radi razgibano delo in si želijo postati naš novi CNC operater.

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive d.o.o. smo vodilni na področju razvoja avtonomnih električnih sistemov in vozil za kmetijstvo in reševanje. Vedno smo odprti za delo z nadarjenimi in izkušenimi strokovnjaki, ki bi se pridružili našemu hitro rastočemu podjetju. Obiščite za pregled našega najnovejšega izdelka.

Krepimo našo ekipo na oddelku proizvodnje, kjer iščemo dodatno pomoč pri sestavi našega proizvoda “Slopehelper” ( V kolektiv vabimo ljudi, ki imajo radi razgibano delo in si želijo postati naš novi CNC operater.

Kratek opis delovnih nalog:

  • pripravljanje strojev in naprav za zagon, posluževanje in nadzor nad delovanjem;
  • opravljanje zahtevnejših proizvodnih del na CNC strojih;
  • nastavljanje in posluževanje CNC strojev;
  • preventivno vzdrževanje delovnih sredstev;
  • ukrepanje v primeru ugotovljenih odstopanj;
  • opravljanje drugih del v okviru strokovne usposobljenosti.


  • izkušnje z delom na CNC strojih;
  • znanje uporabe proizvodnega orodja;
  • znanje branja preprostih risb.


  • sproščen, prijazen in zelo povezan kolektiv;
  • dobro plačilo;
  • 40 urni delovni teden, od ponedeljka do petka, med 8. in 16. uro;
  • odmor za malico 30 min;
  • parkirišče pred stavbo;
  • odlične možnosti osebnega in strokovnega razvoja ter gradnje nadaljnje kariere.

Montažni tehnik

Vsak, ki vidi potencial in je pripravljen na dobro plačano delo, je toplo vabljen, da se nam pridruži.

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

Pek Automotive d.o.o. je inovativno, mednarodno, hitro rastoče podjetje, kjer izdelujemo avtonomne kmetijske stroje za delo vseh opravil v sadovnjakih in vinogradih, ter različne EV platforme. Imenujejo se “Slopehelper”, “Agilehelper” “Vanquisher”, poleg platform pa izdelujemo tudi razne nastavke za obdelavo zemlje, dreves ali trte. Preberite si več na:

Smo tim z veliko mladimi ljudmi in pri nas vlada spoštovanje v večkulturnem delovnem okolju. Vemo, da bo naša ekipa tista, ki bo podjetje pripeljala do točke brez konkurence v sektorju robotiziranih strojev za agrokulturo ter na obrambnem področju. Vsak, ki vidi potencial in je pripravljen na dobro plačano delo, je toplo vabljen, da se nam pridruži.

Kaj boste počeli?

  • Sestavljanje robotiziranih platform in njihovih priključkov;
  • Predpriprava materiala za nadaljno obdelavo in uporabo;
  • Vgrajevanje elektronskih in mehanskih sestavnih delov/elementov;
  • Delo v delavnici z raznoraznimi orodji (kovičenje kovic, žaganje, vrezovanje navojev, vrtanje, rezanje kovinskih profilov);
  • Sledenje izdelanim navodilom za sestavo samega stroja in prilagajanje novih sistemov na že obstoječi dizajn stroja.

Kaj pričakujemo?

  • Navdušenje nad tehniko in tehnologijami
  • Pripravljenost na stalne izboljšave na tehničnem področju in močno motivacijo za rast skupaj s podjetjem
  • Nenehno skrb za končno kvaliteto opravljenega dela ter čistost delovnega okolja;
  • Odgovornost do samega dela kot tudi do ljudi v vaši ekipi in širši ekipi sodelavcev;
  • Znanje uporabe ročnega delovnega orodja;
  • Samostojnost pri delu, natančnost, zanesljivost, urejenost;
  • Zaželjene so izkušnje z delom v proizvodnji, niso pa pogoj;
  • Predvsem pa prihod na delo z nasmehom in deljenje nasmehov okoli sebe.

Kaj ponujamo?

  • Delavnik je od ponedelja do petka med 8.00 in 16.00, vikendi in prazniki so prosti
  • Kolektiv je mlad, mednaroden, odprt, zagnan in izredno povezan
  • Delo v popolnoma novih prostorih v Logatcu
  • Imamo jasen pregled nad dnevnimi, tedenskimi in mesečnimi nalogami
  • Skupaj z vami lahko načrtujemo napredek v vaši karieri, imamo jasne lestvice napredovanj znotraj ekip ali med oddelki
  • Ker je podjetje še v rasti in razvoju, v sami proizvodnji obstaja veliko možnosti za napredovanja (vodja nalog, vodja proizvodnje, terenski inženir…)
  • Konkurenčno bruto plačo do 2.400 €, ki jo lahko presežete z bonusi za uspešnost ali z pridobivanjem pravih izkušenj, kar je primerno za zelo motivirane in na produktivnost osredotočene posameznike
  • Delo v digitalnem okolju, ki temelji na sistemu R-Wave ERP.

Vodja ekipe za strojno montažo

ODGOVORNOSTI: dnevno načrtovanje ekip mehanske montaže na podlagi tedenskih načrtov proizvodnje, razvitih v sodelovanju z vodjo oddelka proizvodnje; zagotavljanje in kontroliranje izvedbe tedenskih načrtov proizvodnje ekip mehanske montaže; nadzor nad izvajanjem procesa normiranja delovnih nalog za proizvodne operacije strojne montaže; ocenjevanje kvalitete surovin, materiala in opreme z namenom zagotavljanja priprave za proizvodnjo; načrtovanje ekip mehanske […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time


  • dnevno načrtovanje ekip mehanske montaže na podlagi tedenskih načrtov proizvodnje, razvitih v sodelovanju z vodjo oddelka proizvodnje;
  • zagotavljanje in kontroliranje izvedbe tedenskih načrtov proizvodnje ekip mehanske montaže;
  • nadzor nad izvajanjem procesa normiranja delovnih nalog za proizvodne operacije strojne montaže;
  • ocenjevanje kvalitete surovin, materiala in opreme z namenom zagotavljanja priprave za proizvodnjo;
  • načrtovanje ekip mehanske montaže za zagotovitev ustrezne delovne obremenitve in izvedbe tedenskih načrtov proizvodnje;
  • poročanje o dnevnem napredku in morebitnih težavah ekip mehanske montaže vodji oddelka proizvodnje;
  • skrb za urejenost in čistočo proizvodnega prostora;
  • redno spremlja in poroča o rezultatih dela;
  • spremlja tehnične novosti s področja dela;
  • dela izvaja skladno z navodili, sprejetimi standardi in pravilniki;
  • izvaja predpise iz varstva pri delu in požarnega varstva;
  • opravljanje drugih del po navodillih nadrejenega, ki so v okviru delovnega področja, za katera je delavec usposobljen.


  • osnovno znanje angleškega jezika;
  • zaželjene izkušnje z vodenjem manjše ekipe;
  • zaželjene izkušnje z delom v proizvodnji;
  • zaželjeno znanje uporabe ročnega delovnega orodja;
  • skrbnost in natančnost.


  • delavnik je od ponedelja do petka med 8.00 in 16.00, vikendi in prazniki so prosti;
  • mednaroden, dinamičen, zagnan in izredno povezan kolektiv;
  • delo v popolnoma novih prostorih v obrtni coni Logatec;
  • konkurenčna plača z dodatnimi bonusi za uspešnost;
  • povračilo stroškov prevoza na delo in iz dela po 0,21eur/km ter organiziran vsakodnevni topel obrok v jedilnici podjetja;
  • velika možnost za hitro in uspešno napredovanje na kariernem področju;
  • delo v digitalnem okolju, ki temelji na sistemu R-Wave ERP.

Electronics developer

We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field of electronics and electrical engineering.

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit for an overview of our most recent product.

We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field of electronics and electrical engineering.


  • Full cycle of electronics development (components selection, prototyping of critical parts of schematic, schematic capture, PCB design, bringing up first samples);
  • Preparing CAM data for PCB manufacturers (preparing documentation for production).


  • Knowledge of analog and digital electronics;
  • Experience in PCB design (up to 4 layers).


  • Working hours from Monday till Friday, 8:00 – 16:00, weekends and holidays are free;
  • International, dynamic and connected team of professionals;
  • Good salary with stimulation bonuses;
  • Reimbursement of transportation costs and organized warm lunch everyday in the company’s cafeteria;
  • Great opportunity for a career growth and advancement.

Computer vision engineer

We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field of computer vision.

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit for an overview of our most recent product.

We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field of computer vision. Computer Vision Engineer will be responsible for developing computer vision based instruments for our autonomous agricultural system.


  • Develop and implement algorithms for image processing;
  • Develop and implement image recognition algorithms;
  • Interact with the other members of R&D team for improving performance of produced and developed computer vision based systems.


  • Experience in image processing and recognition;
  • Experience in optic systems selection for CV;
  • Implementing and testing CV algorithms.


  • Working hours from Monday till Friday, 8:00 – 16:00, weekends and holidays are free;
  • International, dynamic and connected team of professionals;
  • Good salary with stimulation bonuses;
  • Reimbursement of transportation costs and organized warm lunch everyday in the company’s cafeteria;
  • Great opportunity for a career growth and advancement.

Firmware developer

We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field of software development.

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit for an overview of our most recent product.

We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field of software development.


  • Development of embedded software for electronic units;
  • Development of communication protocols for electronic control systems;
  • Preparation of documentation (description of application business-logic, description of protocols and etc.).


  • Completed projects for STM32 MCUs;
  • Familiarity with the following interfaces: UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, RS485, RS422;
  • Basic knowledge of signal processing;
  • Experience in version control systems (Git);
  • Skills of using oscilloscope and other measurement equipment is a strong plus.


  • Working hours from Monday till Friday, 8:00 – 16:00, weekends and holidays are free;
  • International, dynamic and connected team of professionals;
  • Good salary with stimulation bonuses;
  • Reimbursement of transportation costs and organized warm lunch everyday in the company’s cafeteria;
  • Great opportunity for a career growth and advancement.

Sales Manager

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit for an overview of our most recent products. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Brand and company representation, • Participation in regional presentations and demonstrations for customers, […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit for an overview of our most recent products.


• Brand and company representation,

• Participation in regional presentations and demonstrations for customers, participation in exhibitions and other marketing events,

• Entering feedback into the ERP system after marketing events,

• Establishing, developing and maintaining positive business and customer relationships,

• Enabling the tracking of meetings, contact details of distributors and event details in the ERP system, as well as real-time updating of the mentioned information,

• Reaching potential customers through various channels such as email, phone, text messages and social media, as well as face-to-face meetings,

• Market analysis to access potential customers and guide them into the hands of distributors,

• Coordinating sales efforts with team members and other departments,

• Help in setting up marketing activities on the market of the working territory, communication with media representatives.


• 1 – 3 years in sales;

• Ready for travelling and business trips;

• Professional knowledge of German language;

• Professional knowledge of English language.


• The team is young, international, open, enthusiastic and extremely close-knit;

• Work in brand new premises in Logatec, Slovenia and work from home;

• As the company is still growing and developing, there are plenty of opportunities for progression, so we can plan with you to advance your career;

• A competitive gross salary that can be exceeded with performance bonuses, which is suitable for highly motivated and productivity-focused individuals;

• Work in a digital environment based on our own R-Wave ERP.

Managing Director

PeK Automotive is a pioneering company in the development of innovative agro-line products designed to revolutionize the agricultural sector. We are seeking a visionary and dynamic Managing Director to lead our company to new heights. Responsibilities: Business Flow Leadership: As the Managing Director, you will oversee the company’s entire business flow, providing direction and ensuring […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a pioneering company in the development of innovative agro-line products designed to revolutionize the agricultural sector. We are seeking a visionary and dynamic Managing Director to lead our company to new heights.


  • Business Flow Leadership: As the Managing Director, you will oversee the company’s entire business flow, providing direction and ensuring the synchronization of communication among various departments. You will be the driving force behind our company’s vision and mission.
  • Team Management: You will lead and manage department heads, fostering collaboration and ensuring each department operates efficiently and effectively through the company’s ERP system. Your leadership in the company’s Business Flow will inspire and motivate our talented team to achieve their best.
  • Financial Stewardship: As the top executive, you will be responsible for financial planning, budget management, resource allocation, and financial optimization for business flow steps. Your decisions will drive the financial health, efficiency, and sustainability of the company.
  • Key Tasks and KPI Tracking: You will monitor key tasks and performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the company’s success, foster continuous improvement, and ensure the achievement of key business objectives.
  • Daily Business Process Oversight: Emphasizing everyday control of business processes to enrich them, you will ensure that our operations run smoothly, efficiently and in accordance with our strategic objectives.
  • Risk Management: You will assess potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them, ensuring the company operates in a secure and compliant manner.


– Proven experience in a senior leadership role;

– Exceptional strategic thinking and problem-solving skills;

– Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities;

– Demonstrated success in team management and leadership;

– Financial acumen and the ability to drive revenue growth;

– Innovative mindset and a track record of business development.

Why Joins Us:

– The working hours are from Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 16.00, weekends and public holidays are free;

– The team is young, international, open, enthusiastic and extremely close-knit;

– Work in brand new premises in Logatec;

– A competitive gross salary that can be exceeded with performance bonuses, which is suitable for highly motivated and productivity-focused individuals;

– Travel costs reimbursement and organized lunch in the company’s cafeteria;

– Work in a digital environment based on our own R-Wave ERP.

PeK Automotive is at the forefront of agro-technology innovation, and this role offers a unique opportunity to lead a dynamic team and shape the future of agriculture. If you are a visionary leader with a passion for technology and agriculture, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

Chief Financial Officer

PeK Automotive is a pioneering company specializing in innovative agro-line products. As we continue to expand and innovate, we are seeking a dynamic individual to join our team as the Head of Accounting Department. This pivotal role will contribute to the development and implementation of accounting rules tailored to our business model, ensuring accurate financial […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a pioneering company specializing in innovative agro-line products. As we continue to expand and innovate, we are seeking a dynamic individual to join our team as the Head of Accounting Department. This pivotal role will contribute to the development and implementation of accounting rules tailored to our business model, ensuring accurate financial reporting and compliance.

Roles & Responsibilities:

– Accounting Rules Development: Lead the development and implementation of company-specific accounting rules, aligning them with our Business Flow and ensuring adherence to general accounting principles and local tax regulations.

– Transaction Management: Oversee and support the accounting and finance operations team in accurately recording all business transactions in the accounting system, including accounts receivable and accounts payables.

– Reporting: Generate ad-hoc reports, particularly those related to manufacturing costs, as requested by the management team.

– Reconciliation: Prepare monthly reconciliations of statements and tax accounts to maintain accurate financial records.

– Compliance: Ensure compliance with local tax laws and regulatory requirements, working closely with local and internal advisors and tax regulatory authorities. Provide guidance on local tax rules to the management team.

– Documentation: Manage ledgers, invoices, archives, and tax return processes efficiently.

– Communication: Foster clear communication within the department and collaborate effectively with other teams. Address tax-related queries from the management team.

– Reporting to Management: Create and present periodic financial reports to the management team, offering insights and recommendations.

– Tax and Statistical Reporting: Manage the preparation and submission of reports to state tax and statistical offices in accordance with local regulations, ensuring accurate and timely compliance.

– Team Development: Build and nurture a cohesive and efficient accounting department team. This includes selecting, training, and mentoring team members to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to meet department goals effectively. Foster a collaborative and growth-oriented work environment that encourages teamwork and professional development among team members.

Required Qualifications:

– In-depth knowledge of Slovenian Tax Law;

– At least 5 years of experience in Finance/Accounting;

– Experience in a manufacturing company is a plus;

– Verbal and written communication skills in English.

Desired Qualifications:

– The working hours are from Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 16.00, weekends and public holidays are free;

– The team is young, international, open, enthusiastic and extremely close-knit;

– Work in brand new premises in Logatec;

– As the company is still growing and developing, there are plenty of opportunities for progression, so we can plan with you to advance your career;

– A competitive gross salary that can be exceeded with performance bonuses, which is suitable for highly motivated and productivity-focused individuals;

– Travel costs reimbursement and organized lunch in the company’s cafeteria;

– Work in a digital environment based on our own R-Wave ERP.

Python Developer

PeK Automotive is a leader in the development of autonomous electrical systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescue in Logatec, Slovenia. One of our directions is the development and launch of an ERP system for its own needs and its subsequent introduction to the international market. We are looking for talented and experienced professionals to […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in the development of autonomous electrical systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescue in Logatec, Slovenia. One of our directions is the development and launch of an ERP system for its own needs and its subsequent introduction to the international market. We are looking for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company.


• Support, development and optimization of the ERP project;

• Design and development of database architecture;

• Development of new functionality and improvement of the existing one;

• Writing technical documentation.


• Understanding what an ERP system is;

• Good knowledge of Python;

• Good knowledge of Django;

• Experience in developing high-load systems;

• Extensive experience with SQL and NoSQL such as PostgreSQL, MySQL

• ClickHouse knowledge will be a bonus;

• Knowledge of basic patterns and idioms;

• Experience with REST API;

• Experience with Git;

• Knowledge of English at a conversational level and reading technical documentation;

• Experience with Celery, Redis, Pandas;

• Experience with Django REST framework.


• Working hours from Monday till Friday, 8:00 – 16:00, weekends and holidays are free;

• International, dynamic and connected team of professionals;

• Help with relocation to Slovenia, if needed;

• Good salary with stimulation bonuses;

• Reimbursement of transportation costs and organized warm lunch everyday in the company’s cafeteria;

• Great opportunity for a career growth and advancement.

Mechanical Design Engineer

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are always searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit for overview of the company or directly for an overview of the headliner of agricultural line. We are extending our product […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are always searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit for overview of the company or directly for an overview of the headliner of agricultural line.

We are extending our product range in the direction of custom EV development and technological solutions and searching for a Mechanical Design Engineer to join the team of the Mechanical Design Department.


• Mechanical design of robotic systems and their parts in Solidworks;

• Preparing the product structure (hierarchical BOM) in company’s ERP system;

• Preparing drawings and other manufacturing files;

• Manufacturing support of designed products.


• Experience in machinery design (experience in design of moving elements is a strong plus);

• Deep knowledge of manufacturing technologies, standard parts and typical solutions;

• Professional use of SolidWorks;

• Experience in automotive and robotic industry will be a strong plus.


• Working hours from Monday till Friday, 8:00 – 16:00, weekends and holidays are free;

• International, dynamic and connected team of professionals;

• Help with relocation to Slovenia, if needed;

• Good salary with stimulation bonuses;

• Reimbursement of transportation costs and organized warm lunch everyday in the company’s cafeteria;

• Great opportunity for a career growth and advancement.

Algorithms Developer

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit our website for an overview of our most recent product. We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in developing autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture and rescuing. We are searching for talented and experienced professionals to join our fast growing company. Visit our website for an overview of our most recent product. We are extending our R&D department and are looking for professionals in the field of software development.


• Develop and implement algorithms for autonomous motion planning for agricultural robotic systems (not based on Computer Vision);

• Optimize the performance of autonomous driving software;

• Perform customization of driving algorithms for specific fields.


• Experience with Python language;

• Experience with data processing in Python;

• Knowledge in vector algebra and trigonometry.



• Working hours from Monday till Friday, 8:00 – 16:00, weekends and holidays are free;

• International, dynamic and connected team of professionals;

• Help with relocation to Slovenia, if needed;

• Good salary with stimulation bonuses;

• Reimbursement of transportation costs and organized warm lunch everyday in the company’s cafeteria;

• Great opportunity for a career growth and advancement.

Head of Procurement

PeK Automotive is a leader in the development of autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture. We are looking for talented and experienced professionals to join our rapidly growing company. We are searcing for a Head of Procurement Department who will be responsible for leading the procurement and outsourcing business by providing procurement support to […]

Logatec, Slovenia
Full - time

PeK Automotive is a leader in the development of autonomous electric systems and vehicles for agriculture. We are looking for talented and experienced professionals to join our rapidly growing company. We are searcing for a Head of Procurement Department who will be responsible for leading the procurement and outsourcing business by providing procurement support to operations.



• Ensuring the purchasing and operations departments working efficiency and proactively;

• Managing relations with internal departments and outsource enterprises, companies and service providers;

• Preparing and presenting operation and procurement activities reports periodically to the management board;

• Overseeing the procurement team, ensuring that procurement compliance is met and evaluating vendors;

• Performing monthly reporting based on procurement activity and cost;

• Reviewing and analyzing all suppliers, supply and price options;

• Developing purchasing strategies to improve efficiency and governance of the procurement process;

• Ensuring the procurement procedure can comply with company’s policy, rules, regulations and procedures.



• At least 5 years work experience in positions related to operation, purchasing and tender processes;

• desirable management experience;

• knowledge of customs procedures and international logistics;

• knowledge of the domestic and international market of mechanical and electronic components;

• knowledge of working with a computer (MS Office / Libre Office programs);

• good organizational and communication skills.


• Working hours from Monday till Friday, 8:00 – 16:00, weekends and holidays are free;

• International, dynamic and connected team of professionals;

• Good salary with stimulation bonuses;

• Reimbursement of transportation costs and organized warm lunch everyday in the company’s cafeteria;

• Great opportunity for a career growth and advancement.

Open application

If you are interested in employment at Pek Automotive d.o.o., we invite you to fill out the form below. If you consent to the processing of your personal data in our database of job candidates and if your profile matches our search for personnel, we will contact you.

Apply Form


We can help you with a custom-developed multi-purpose electric vehicle solution. Please fill out a form and tell us more about your needs.